
Member profile - John Bostock

Of the many new profiles this month, we have a member was not a champion rower, but was a champion member - John Bostock.

Vale Derek Marley

One of the sad sides of sending out the notices of meeting is that occasionally we receive advice of a passed member. This was the case sadly with Derek Marley.

New member profiles

Each month we add more member profiles. Many have been added for October.

Mercs zootie seen at ....

Will Legge has sent in an entry into the old but good story of Mercs uniforms seen around the world.

Latest advice from RV on access to the river

Our HP squad can now return to the water with the biggest restriction being the 5km. Our coaches have set up some boats at St Kevins at the Princes Bridge. We look forward to the third step when we can get everyone back on the water.

Status of nominations for Committee

The current nominees for Committee can be found in the member only documents section of the Documents tab of this website. Nominations close noon on 10th October 2020. The next update will be issued on Saturday 3rd October 2020.

Great news from Rowing Victoria

From the ‘Third Step’ of Victorian COVID-19 restrictions, we are approved to return to training in crew boats for all ages.

Nominations for Committee

As mentioned in the notice of meeting, now is the time to nominate for the Committee. The details are in the notice of meeting and we will publish the nominations every Saturday night until the meeting.

Vale John "Jimpy" Shears

We regret to advise members of the passing of Jimpy Shears on Monday night 21st September aged 94. He was the last of the famous Shears brothers who had been members from the late 1930s until yesterday.
