
Pandemic measures update

The Victorian Government advised that certain “hotspot” suburbs in Melbourne will experience Stage 3 restrictions again. Despite exercise being being an approved activity, if you live in these areas, we recommend that you observe the lock down.

Member news - Paul Schreier

Paul sends his greetings to the Club from the UK. Paul raced with the Club for only a couple of years back in the late 1980s but has maintained his membership ever since. He exemplifies the motto of once a member always a member.

Plenty of action at the Club

For those who might erroneously think not much is happening at the moment, think again. There is a huge amount of training going on.

Member profile - Doug Donoghue

Recently Club member Doug Donoghue AM was made a life member of Rowing Australia. He is one of the most understated members of the Australian rowing community. His contribution has been significant and valued.

New website 1st July 2020 and how to use it

The Club has implementing a new member management system and associated website on 1st July 2020. Members will have or will be receiving emails to establish their access to the new system.

Current pandemic rowing rules

Rowers 18 years and younger can now row in crew boats. Sadly all other rowers must continue in sculling boats. The next revision of the rules is scheduled for 13th July. See the news page for full details.

Beware of the Dredge

Now that the dredging of the staging is completed, the dredge is on the move. Given the vast areas of the river it occupies, it is dangerous.

Dredging of boat staging area completed

It was years in the making, but the urgent dredging work of the staging area has finally been completed. All is not however over as dredging work continues upstream to maintain the navigational hazards for a while to come. There is now no excuse not to come down to Club for a scull (in accordance with the Club’s COVID-19 restrictions).

Happy birthday Jimpy Shears

Another of our chronologically gifted members passed another milestone this week, Jimpy Shears had his 94th birthday. Jimpy is sole remaining member of great Shears bothers who have been a key part of Mercantile since the 1930s.

Current rowing restrictions

The Victorian Government has increased the number of people in an outdoor setting to 20 plus coaches, and from late June, yet more. However the minimum distance remains at 1.5 metres. Given that the distance between seats in a crewed boat is 1.2-1.3 metres, single sculls are the only boats allowed, unless you are from the same household.

Dredging works update

Rowing Victoria reports as follows. The dredging at the VRA landing on the Yarra River is now well underway, showing wonderful progress. Dredging works will continue until approximately the 10th of June.

Updated Sun Protection Policy

In the middle of winter is a perfect time to update policies. The first is our UV protection policy. Please follow the link to find it.

New website 1st July 2020

The Club is implementing a new member management system and associated website on 1st July 2020. Members will be receiving emails to establish their access to the new system.

Welcome Mike McKay

We welcome Mike who started officially on 1st June. For the active rowers amongst us, this news report will come as a surprise, as Mike has been doing the role which he started officially today. The Mercantile high performance group has already grown and is being rapidly reinvigorated under his leadership. This work has been noticed both here in Victoria and across the country. Great work Mike and well done to you and your high performance team.

From the Vaults – Percy Ivens, champion rower and sculler

Back at the start of the twentieth century, it was unusual to have a oarsman who raced at the highest level of sculling and rowing. Our Percy Ivens was one of these top quality and skilled athletes. Furthermore, he undertook the arduous task of Club Treasurer whilst actively rowing. He was a great Mercantile member.
