
Member profile, Robert Strang

As previously advised, we were saddened to hear of the death of past member Robert Strang. A member profile of him has been added to the website.

Vale Andrew Evans

As previously advised, we advise members of the loss of Vice-President Andrew Evans, A profile of him has now been added to the member profile section of the website.

Changing room lockers

Changing room lockers are available for rent for the balance of the season given that things are reopening.

Colgan Foundation Oceania Indoor Rowing Champs

Life member Sean Colgan is helping the sport again, this time sponsoring The Cogan Foundation Virtual Oceania Indoor Rowing Championship. Well done Sean and the Colgan Foundation.

Bulletin 1 National Championships

Please find at the link below Bulletin 1 for the 2021 Australian Rowing Championships to be held from 22 to 28 March 2021 at Lake Barrington, Tasmania.

Vale Bill Bailey, Champion cox

We have only been advised of the death of Bill Bailey, champion coxswain of the early 1950s. Bill was the senior coxswain of both Mercantile and for Victoria in the early 1950s.

Big boats are back and we love it

Alex Clarke has captured the magnificence of getting back into the big boats with his pictures. Great work rowers and Alex.

30 year reunion for Oarsome Foursome

For us oldies, the 1990 World Championships seems like yesterday. But in fact it was 30 years ago.  It was the year of the formation of the Oarsome Foursome  and they won our first sweep World Championship gold medals. 

Where else would you have an outdoor meeting during COVID?

Members may not know that our Treasurer Duncan Mackinnon is also the Secretary for the Victorian Boat Race Officials. When a venue was suggested for the next meeting, fellow umpire Rod Florence said that it could only be in one place - follow the link to find out.
