
The pandemic has finally closed the Club

Your Committee and coaches have tried valiantly to keep the high performance side of the Club alive until stage 4. We have been now forced to close all activities. This is remarkably sad for our competitive athletes who are now doing all their training off the water and remotely.

New Safety Officers

The Committee has appointed Angus Maloney and Alistair Mattehews as the new Club Safety Officers. They are reviewing the Club's Safety Management Plan and will reissue it shortly. Thanks Gus and Al for taking on this important responsibility.

Training during COVID

With community sport shut down and severe restrictions in force, our young rowers are still training. 

Special General Meeting - 20 August 2020

A special general meeting has been called for 20th August 2020 both at the Boathouse and by video conference via zoom. Details have been sent to members. Details can be found in the Documents tab under constitution. Members must log in.

COVID-19 update

The following message was sent to Club members today.

Vale Stephen Hinchy

Whilst not a Club member, we are deeply saddened by the death today of Rowing Australia great Dr Stephen Hinchy. He was a good friend to many Club members. Our sincere condolences to his wife Barbara and their daughter.

Vale Kevin Wickham

Sadly we advise the death of Kevin Wickham. Whilst he was primarily a Banks member, he spent a season at Mercantile assisting Phil Cayzer with a young junior eight. That crew were greatly improved by his contribution.

Not news but a great image

Not news really, just a great image of a recent early morning preparation for rowing during COVID-19.

HRR this year

Although the Henley Royal Regatta was not conducted this year, at least one member Sean Colgan maintained his annual Irish night dinner this year, albeit a shortened affair. He is lamenting that the usual Mercs dinner will not be taking place.
