
February 2023 Member Profiles

Your correspondent has been going well back in time again to bring to light past members. This month we have added Syd Edwards, an important coach in our early history. Also highlighted, although not club members, are his father and six brothers.

Gloomba Arrangements

Yes it has come around again, and sadly extended by a day. Full details are provided. Sigh...

Vale Jack Morganti

The Club regrets to advise members of the passing of 1956 Olympian Jack Morganti today.

Mercs Zootie found in Antartica

We used to have a segment featuring the most unusual places where a Mercs racing suit was found. Andrew Phillips seems to have reinstated this with his Antartica entry this week.

Cate McNeil names her new scull

Whilst not a Club boat naming, Cate McNeil named her new scull from Sykes in honour of her grandfather, Neville McNeil, at home last weekend. We suspect that the bubbly was not usual quality used for boat namings and so not all wasted on the boat!

Congratulation Bob Duncan OAM

The Australia Day Honours list contains an award to Club Member Bob Duncan for services to rowing. Well done Bob.

Barwon entries

Our clubbies are out to rack up the points and have some fun.

Ballarat Regatta Results

Ballarat Regatta was the first major regatta of the season for our athletes and a good pipe opener for all. Our senior athletes who are not at the NTC's raced well as did our lightweights and youth crews.

Ballarat Regatta Entries

As you will see below, there are plenty of Mercantile crews racing at Ballarat this weekend. Come to the regatta and join with the other Mercantile members at the Mercs tent.

Regatta tent returns for 2023 - Join us

The Mercantile regatta tent returns for 2023 starting with Rutherglen and next being the Ballarat Regatta. It is the meeting place for rowers, parents and supporters of the Club. If you are at the regatta, please make yourself known to whoever is there and join the fun. Look forward to seeing you at the tent.

Rutherglen (MRA) Regatta Entries

The Clubbies are at it again with another visit to the wine country. A smallish number of rowers doing a large number of races. Let's hope the weather is kind on them! Best wishes.
