
Good results at Ballarat

Our performance group enjoyed good success at the Ballarat Regatta last weekend at the first serious regatta of the season. There were some COVID disruptions that will occur all season and some fields did not contain the expected crews. 

Ballarat Entires

After the Clubbies and Masters great work last weekend, the performance end of the Club will compete this weekend at Ballarat. Our entries are large.

River rules stifle rowing

Today Maritime Safety Victoria, a division of Transport Safety Victoria, put out an urgent notice to river users that the 5 knot speed limit will be enforced. This will include rowing boats. Given that a racing eight/quad scull at full speed travels faster than that, we have a problem. Clearly the self drive boat operators have been stirring up government behind the scenes. We will be in discussion with Rowing Victoria on this matter.

December Notice to River Users

The December Notice to River Users notes one matter for those rowing on Wednesday 29th December between 9-11am - river closure downstream of the boatsheds.

Merry Christmas to all our members

On behalf of our President Gina Peele and Committee, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a restful break. Thank you for your ongoing support of Mercantile Rowing Club.  We look forward to 2022 and supporting our members to achieve their goals and enjoying the friendships that Club life can offer. Merry Christmas, stay safe and well.

Mercs Dec Camp

A group of about 80 athletes and coaches send last week at camp on the Tambo doing some great work. Well done to all concerned. Some images from Bill Webster to capture come of the camp feel.

New member profiles Dec 2021

So far this month we have added the profiles of a foundation member of the Club who played a small but critical role in the creation of the federation of Australia - Thomas R Gilchrist. Also some other early members of the Club have been added including James Watson and Arthur Moore.

Olympic and Paralympic Dinner

A splendid night was had by all at the Melbourne Town Hall with a gathering organised by the Club and supported by other clubs. It was a great evening. Some images follow.

Melbourne Head review and images

Captain Meghan Hester clearly wants to win her own trophy for the most successful rower this year taking out the club double and eight at the Melbourne Head.
