
Vale Arthur H C Atkins DFC

It is with great sadness that members are advised of the death of our patron and life member Arthur Atkins DFC. He died peacefully on 26th October 2022, aged 105 years. His obituary follows.

Noel Donaldson nominated for RV life membership

Club member Noel Donaldson has been rightfully nominated for life membership of Rowing Victoria. It has been given for a lifetime of excellence in the sport. The motion will be put to the RV AGM on Sunday.

Disruption - Floating Wetland

Expect long term disruption as part of the boat staging and area around Richmond Rowing Club is used to construct a floating wetland. Follow this link to get the disruptive details.

Disruption - Walking Stars 3 Dec 2022

The area behind and the boathouse area will be again be used for a night-time walk on 3rd December commencing at 5.30pm. Details can be found through this link. Expect parking and access disruptions leading up to and during this event.

Head of the Yarra Cancelled

Sadly the Head of the Yarra 2022 is cancelled due to boat staging issues. Please see advice from the organising committee. There is a possibility of an April race.

River reopens

Advice received this afternoon advises of the reopening of the river. There is still quite a bit of debris in the river so caution is required.

River closure

A reminder that the river remains closed due to flooding until at least Wednesday. With luck we will be rowing Thursday.

Mercs at the World Coastals

Mercs has two members racing at the World Coastals, Bibi Colgan and Patrick Boomer. Bibi is racing for New Zealand and Patrick for Ireland. Both Bibi and Patrick have qualified for the A finals.

Day 7 and more medals for Mercs

Kat Werry was again in the medals at the highest levels of our sport with a bronze medal in the Women's Four. Congratulations Kat.

Day 6 and Mercs with Medals

It was the first day of finals and Mercs was there. Three of our para crews won silver medals including a Mercantile crew comprised of Alex Vuillermin and Al Viney
