
Vale John "Jimpy" Shears

Published Tue 22 Sep 2020

The following information was received today from family members Amanda Thompson, Jo Thompson and Peter Harvey. 

It is with a sad heart that we have to inform you that Jimpy passed away peacefully last night aged 94. He went quickly.

He was well cared for at his new home Japara by lovely staff to whom he had given amusing nicknames. Not always politically correct !

He kept the photo of the the John Shears boat bedside his bed. He was very proud of this recognition. He loved the phone and email updates Jim and was very pleased to catch up with Phil.

Jimpy and the "John Shears" in recent times

He had been is reasonable health until recent times, always enjoying seeing his beloved Geelong football play and weekly outings to the local cafe and surf club - until COVID restrictions came in. It was distressing for all not to be allowed into the home to visit him. Amanda was diligent with her daily calls to Jimpy trying to keep his spirits up and feeling connected to the outside world.

Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions we are not able to plan a funeral service as we wish. We are thinking of small family service for now and a celebration of his wonderful life when allowable.

He had such great memories of his rowing days and in particular his friendships at the club.

Jimpy stroking a winning lightweight maiden eight with brother Bill in the seven seat in 1946

Jimpy was one of four brothers who were all loyal and enthusiastic Mercantile members, Herbie, Ted, Bill and of course Jimpy. Jimpy first came to prominance as a coxswain in 1940 when he steered brothers Herb and Ted to a victory in the Champion Lightweight Eight. He raced successfully after WWII and was a personality at the club thereafter.

He was perhaps best known for his jovial nature and wicked sense of humour. His company was always sought out.

Jimpy as we knew him best

Jimpy will be sadly missed and our thoughts are with his family who looked after so well, Amanda Thompson, Jo Thompson and Peter Harvey.  Thank you.

We also sadly farewell the end of the Shears era at the Club.

Andrew Guerin
Hon Secretary
22nd September 2020
