
Vale Colin Lewis

Published Sat 28 Oct 2023

The Club mourns the loss of a great lightweight rower of the 1950s, Colin D Lewis. He was often Ron Richardson's three or seven man depending on whether they raced on a four or eight. Together they were very successful.

Briefly his Championship rowing record looks like this although his many other race wins are not included:

13 Dec 1952 – Victorian Champion lightweight Four, three seat – 1st
19 Jan 1953 – Victorian Champion Lightweight Pair, bow – 1st
21 Mar 1953 – Victorian Champion Junior Eight, bow – 1st
19 Dec 1953 – Victorian Champion Lightweight Four, three seat – 1st
27 Mar 1954 – Victorian Champion Lightweight Eight, seven seat – 1st
27 Mar 1954 – Champion Lightweight Eight, seven seat – 1st
26 Mar 1955 – Champion Junior Eights, bow – 1st

Above: 1952 Victorian Champion Lightweight Four – Colin in the three seat

This record does not do Colin justice as he raced in numerous winning races in lightweight and junior events. Colin won the Captain’s trophy in 1953 and again in 1955.  This trophy is awarded to the member who has entered and won the most number of races in the season on the basis of one point per entry and one point per win. He was a prolific racer and winner.

One race which he remembered well was a Champion junior eight on the Lower Yarra on 21 March 1953. The Mercs crew won by only 2 feet after a gruelling race with Power House and Banks.

On the administrative side, Colin joined the Committee in 1953-54 season as Assistant Secretary. He became Honorary Secretary in the following season and held that post for two seasons before moving back to the Committee.

Colin clearly enjoyed his time at the Club and was a thoroughly good member.

He l was always interested in it's progress and maintained his membership throughout his life as we encourage all our members to do.

Colin passed away this week leaving his wife Patricia and two daughters. His son had predeceased him.

The Club has lost a superb member and is poorer for his passing.
