
Upcoming works on Peppercorn Lawn 5 - 7 November 2021

Published Wed 03 Nov 2021

Please note that two palm trees will be relocated to the Peppercorn Lawn area west of Richmond Rowing Club with works occurring between Thursday 5th November and Saturday 7th November 2021. This will involve a number of truck and crane movements as outlined below.
Please ensure that all boat trailers are removed from the area in front of, and adjacent to, the Peppercorn Lawn area so that these works can progress smoothly.
The works involve:

  • As part of the reinstatement works following tunnelling, two replacement palms are now being planted back in the gardens adjacent to Peppercorn Lawn.
  • Over the three days of works, there will be a number of trucks arriving to site via Boathouse Drive and traffic management will be in place. Larger trucks will need to turn in front of Richmond Rowing Club in order to reverse into site. A section of Peppercorn Lawn will also be fenced off during these works (See map).
  • The works will begin on Thursday 5 November, with preparation of the site. The first of the palm trees will be transported to site and craned into position on Friday 6 November 2021. The second palm tree will be planted on Saturday 7 November
  • During the planting of the first tree on Friday 5 November, the Capital City Trail will be closed from Boathouse Drive to Princes Bridge, Friday 5 November from 6am to 6pm. The closure will allow for the crane set up, tree lift and transportation, and demobilization.
  • All pedestrians and cyclists will be detoured up via St Kilda Road pedestrian signals. As part of the detour, cyclists will be requested to dismount and walk their bikes along the Arts Centre / Hamer Hall ramp.
  • The second palm tree will be planted on Saturday 6th November, this palm planting will not require a crane and the Capital City Trail will remain open, however traffic management will be in place as the truck deliverers the second palm to site.

