
The pandemic has finally closed the Club

Published Tue 04 Aug 2020

The pandemic has finally closed the Club

Published 4th August 2020

Your Committee and coaches have tried valiantly to keep the high performance side of the Club alive until stage 4. We have been now forced to close all activities. This is remarkably sad for our competitive athletes who are now doing all their training off the water and remotely.

Our thoughts are particularly with those athletes trying to gain Olympic selection from Melbourne.

We are also concerned about our social and masters rowers who are missing out on their important social interaction and exercise, the essence of club life.

All is not gloom.

There is remarkable ingenuity in planning training off the water and in many ways, it is similar to some European nations who are off the water for many months in the year.

There is also some fun. The funny hat video conference for team selection for another off water activity produced some amusing shots. The team names were also of interest. Apart from the obvious names of Team Acherman, Team KB and Team Fenno, there were Team 'Gorgan Gorganzola' Gleeson, Team Page 'Train or Die' Barr, Team Joel 'No hills' Vain, Team Kane 'Crash Test Dummy' Grant, Team 'did you know Chipper's first name is David'?, Team Alex 'out of retirement' Wolf and Ben "Potato Phone' Canham. But of most interest was the fact that over 110 athletes participated. 

Great work rowers and coaches.
