
Special General Meeting approves new constitution

Published Thu 20 Aug 2020

The Club broke new ground with the first video general meeting in 140 years of the Club's history.

The President and another 43 members present, with another 8 others voting by proxy, unanimously approved the new constitution.

Many members duly recognised the significance of being conducted on a Thursday night at 6pm when the Mercs bar would normally be open by enjoying a drink during proceedings. There was some concern expressed at the size of the Secretary's scotch and whether he would survive the meeting, let alone count the votes.

The President chaired the meeting admirably dispensing with the business in 17 minutes, even after accounting for the Secretary's vote counting and the Geoff Barden questions. In the end, the President saved the Secretary the bother of counting by declaring it a unanimous decision to the acclamation of those present.

Members continued in discussion after the business had been dispensed with. Mike McKay was questioned by the Moomba King Hat wearing James Tomkins. Mike responded as best he could to this comical sight and provided some insights into how well the Club is progressing. 

Matters completed with a vote of thanks from ex President Malcolm Batten to the coaches, athletes and administrators who have managed valiantly to maintain the Club under the very difficult lockdown situation.
