
Some things don't change at Henley

Published Sun 12 Sep 2021

Will Legge reports that his UK friends have assured him that the Mercantile presence in Henley remains.

Our rowers who have raced at that regatta placed Mercantile bumper stickers at key points in the town to remind them of the way home to their lodgings. This was of particular concern after racing when they may have had a Pimms or two. The stickers were spotted by numerous people despite Mercantiles absence from the regatt this year. remain as demonstrated by his friends at Henley this year.

Will has attached pictures of Ollie Bridge (Cambridge, ex-Hampton School) who spotted the sticker in daylight hours, and Ollie Boyne and Cameron Spiers (Cambridge University and Downing College) who spotted the sticker at night time and utilised it for its intended purpose - to guide them home.
