
Sean Colgan in the rowing news

Published Sun 11 Sep 2022

In the August edition of Row360, esteemed author Chris Dodd has again written a superb article on the Henley Royal Regatta featuring Sean Colgan's Grand Challenge winning US Olympic eight. It even records some of Sean's antics on the evening of the win! The crew was led by the legendary Harvard coach Harry Parker. The crew held a reunion at the 2022 regatta.

Copies of the article are available from the Secretary.

Sean and his crews celebrate a win in the Grand.

Whilst successful at Henley in the Grand and a strong medal prospect, the crew fell victim to politics with all US Olympians forced to boycott the Moscow Olympics.

Fortunately for Australian rowers, the Australian government was not able to stop sporting associations from sending their teams if they wished. It was costly decision with government funding threatened. The Australian Amateur Rowing Council, as it then was, supported crews racing at the Games.

The lesson should never be forgotten that Olympic boycotts do not work and politics and sport should be not mix.
