
Scotch Mercantile Regatta

Published Mon 21 Mar 2022

Another great regatta on the weekend was the Scotch Mercantile Regatta, a jointly run regatta of both the Club and Scotch College. It was live streamed with a great production.

Thank you to all those who assisted in the running of the regatta. There was great work undertaken by the Scotch College Cardinal Club. From our side, some of the key people were: Bill Webster (organising committee head), Phil Tran (regatta secretary), Andrew Guerin (referee), Graeme Boykett and Duncan MacKinnon (jury members), Simon MorrisonGraeme BarnsFelicity FredericoAndrea Morrison, Claire Clarke, Ben Strang, Ed Finlay, Meg Hester, Anthony Johnson and Mal Batten. My apologies to those I have missed.

In a fine touch, the Victorian Youth Eight raced in the heat of the first crews (above on far left) in their school zooties. Many of these rowers had been denied the opportunity to race in the Head of the River in recent years due to COVID and so it was a fitting opportunity to complete those seasons.

Melbourne Grammar (above) took out the schoolboy division 1 final.
