
President's Christmas Luncheon and boat namings

Published Mon 21 Dec 2020

Our first luncheon at the Cluib since the lockdown was a delightful affair. A good mix of both young and old members, "pudding eights" and five boat namings made the day special. Thanks to John Harry and his wine company Wildfire Wines for the superb wines for the luncheon.

Five club sculls were named at the luncheon after five giants of the Club, William BoydCharles CunninghamAlex B SloanSir Stephen Morell and Ted Kenny.

A couple of images from the event.

No amount of jumping the start was going to match the speed of the Mercs kayakers in their new K4

Alex Sloan does a sound job naming a boat in honour of his grandfather of the same name

Maria Pettitt also despatches a bottle of bubbly in fine style over a boat named after her grandfather Ted Kenny 

Key members of our women's squad enjoying the afternoon
