
Past Captain Marty O'Halloran in the news

Published Thu 23 Jul 2020

Congratulations to past Captain Marty O'Halloran who has been appointed Chief Executive of the ad giant DDB Worldwide. He has been in charge of DDB Australia and New Zealand for the past 15 years, based in Auckland New Zealand.

Marty was a good oar winning a King's Cup in 1985 and taking the bow seat of the Austraalia eight that year.

Marty was always innovative. As Captain, Marty and his old mate Billy Canty, solved the Club's financial problems of the time by running Mercantile Galas for young people. Without the benefit of social media, they attracted large crowds and much raucous and fun behaviour. Your correspondent was called into assist and put away his usual risk management assessments for the good of the party.

In his Australia and New Zealand role, he was very innovative with significant investments in data and technology. It is reported that he has been tasked with transforming the worldwide group by exploiting its creative work, alongside data and technology.

Well done Marty and best wishes in your new role.

Go Mercs
