
New member profiles

Published Wed 07 Oct 2020

We regularly add new member profiles. This month we have added profiles of more members of old. H S Alywin, a member of the Club's first ever senior eight win in 1898, Roy Adam who competed at Henley Royal Regatta in 1906 when visiting the UK, George Anderson, a key senior rower from the 1930s, Derek Marley a member who loved club life, Frank R Browne a novice coach and auditor of the Club, Horace Stevens a great singer and rower of pre WWI, F T Brennan a pioneer of the Club, our longest serving Treasurer Alec Clarke, past President Arch Dobbie and past Captain George Horder.

Also added is one of our current and most noted members, John Bostock. John was not a champion rower, in fact he probably holds the record for the number of starts without a win! However he is a champion member who loves Club life and the members love him.
