
New COVID restrictions 19 Nov 2021

Published Fri 19 Nov 2021

In summary, the new rules allow use of the equipment and the boathouse without density limits. However for 16+ personnel who want to use the social rooms, gym, hospitality space, kitchen etc, they are required to be fully vaccinated.

Rowing Victoria advise as follows -

On the advice of the State’s public health team and as per the new Open Premise Directions, COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Workers) Directions and Stay Safe Directions as released at 11.59pm, 18 November, Rowing Victoria is very, very pleased to announce that the following opportunities are available across the state. These provisions are applicable for those 12yo+ unless otherwise advised.

These directions are a result of the state reaching 90% of the population 12yo+ meeting the status of full vaccination.

For clarity, rowing (as an activity and sport) is classified as a Community Sport. Vaccination requirements don’t apply to Community Sport. More details below.

  • Intrastate travel allowed
  • Rowing Clubs and waterways are open. Access to and use of boats is permitted.
  • QR Code Check-in; a crew person/ coach responsible for ensuring compliance.
  • Any boat can be used
  • Changerooms and toilets are open
  • All rowing equipment to be cleaned and sanitised after use.
  • Masks are not required to be worn, yet are recommended if physical distancing cannot be managed.
  • There are no limits on the numbers of people allowed within facilities.  


Indoor and outdoor physical recreation and sporting facilities are open.

If these facilities, are used for community sport (organised sports with membership), the Directives highlight that members participating or facilitating community sport (e.g. athletes, coaches, and volunteers) do not need to be fully vaccinated to access the facility. For our sport, the facility is the river/ waterway, boat storage shed, toilets and changerooms.

However, to access the indoor and outdoor facility (boat storage area, social rooms, gym, hospitality space, kitchen etc) for other than community sport, all attendees are required to be fully vaccinated, be under 16 or have a valid medical exemption.

For example, if using the club gym, or having a meal/ drink in the social rooms, 16yo+ attendees must be fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption.

There are now no capacity limits or density limits on clubs where all members and workers are fully vaccinated.

QR codes and vaccination certificates are to be used/ checked upon arrival with canteen manager/ coach(s) allocated to be responsible for compliance when using gyms/ social rooms.
