
Member Profiles - January 2023

Published Mon 02 Jan 2023

The New Year brings some time for reflection and so your website author have gone back in time to recognise important members of years gone by.

Specifically, we highlight three members who died on active service in WW2. These are:

Eliot Ralph Barnfather - a good oarsman and a young solicitor by profession who became a pilot in WW2. Whilst piloting his bomber over Denmark, flack destroyed his aircraft forcing all crew members to parachute to safety. Sadly Barnfather was struck by flack on his way to the ground and died.  

Patrick Black - originally from Melbourne Grammar, Pat rose through the ranks to be a succesful senior oarsman. Whilst training to be an RAAF pilot, he died in a training flight in Queensland.

Bob Nethercote - not a high profile oarsman but a popular and well known member. Given his great leadership qualities and engaging personality, he was rapidly promoted to Lieutenant within 12 months of enlistment. He died instantly from an incoming artillery shell in Egypt on 3rd January 1941, becoming the first Australian artillery officer to die in WW2.

Other members added to the profiles include former Club Vice-President and Rowing Victoria Patron Roy Thursfield, and James McKeown and Phil Jones.

We welcome profile contributions on any current or past members. There are now well over 250 profiles of past and present members for reading.
