
Lockdown 5.0 continues. Now 5.1?

Published Tue 20 Jul 2021

Not unexpectedly, the lockdown continues. This time until half way through the Olympic rowing regatta, sorry midnight on Tuesday 27th July.

Here we go again and the same rules apply. From Rowing Victoria -

  • Rowing Clubs are closed; no access allowed. This means there is no access to social rooms, change rooms, boats and/ or gyms.
  • Exercise is allowed for up to two hours and with one other person, limited to five kilometres from home.
  • If an individual (or two) have easy access to their own scull, pair or double scull, and they comply with all remaining exercise restrictions, i.e. not traveling more than 5km from where they live and limiting exercise to no more than two hours in total, they may row for exercise.
  • With the clubs being closed, the safety management plans are not activated, and insurance is not available.
  • No competitions allowed.

No one is going to see our new poster. What happens if we win gold, who will see our gold medal factory sign? Sigh.
