
Last guidance for rowing under current restrictions

Published Sat 19 Sep 2020

Rowing Victoria has published the following guidance of rowing under the current lock down.

Metropolitan Melbourne - Rowing approved for exercise

From 11:59pm on 13 September 2020, metropolitan Melbourne will take the First Step towards COVID Normal.

Regarding exercise and recreation:

  • Two people or a household can now meet outdoors for a maximum of two hours for social interaction, exercise or recreation within 5km of their home.
  • Outdoor exercise of up to two hours per day can be split into a maximum of two sessions. You can exercise within 5km of your home with one other person or members of your household.
  • Outdoor playgrounds will reopen Skate parks remain closed.
  • Outdoor recreation must be within 5km of your home. All sport and recreation facilities remain closed.
  • You can drive to a location within 5km of your home to exercise, however if you live in metropolitan Melbourne, you cannot travel to regional Victoria for the purposes of exercise.

Under the current restrictions you are permitted to participate in water-based exercise but not water-based recreational activities. Until recently rowing was considered as a recreational activity.

Rowing Victoria sought clarification of the classification and received the following positive response:

“ Individuals are not permitted to open a boatshed or other facility to access a boat, or share another person's equipment. If an individual has easy access to their own scull at the river, and complies with all remaining exercise restrictions, i.e. not traveling more than 5km from where you live, limiting exercise to twice a day and no more than two hours in total, and maintaining 1.5 metres distance from other people, they may row for exercise.”

It is important to note that although rowing is now regarded as exercise we are still required to follow all other regulations. As Rowing Clubs are closed, their safety management plans are not activated, consequently Maritime Safety Victoria have advised that the PFD exemption will not apply, so PFD’s must be worn. Please ensure the waterways and landings are open.

This is a big step forward and thanks to RV for their great work.
