
Henley Eve Cocktail Party and Boat Naming

Published Fri 28 Jan 2022

Keep Friday 25th February 2022 free for our Henley Eve cocktail party and boat namings. We are proud to announce that our new Empacher eight will be named in honour of Malcom Batten OAM, a past President who arranged the rebuilding of the Club, the establishment of the St Catherine's partnership and negotiated the continuation of the Brighton Grammar partnership. We will recognise our first Paralympian member Al Viney and also one of our 2020 Olympians Angus Widdicombe. In keeping with our newly established tradition of naming sculls after past notable members, we will also name a scull after Mick Williams, a great character of the Club and long serving Rowing Victoria President.

Details - Friday 25th February 6-9pm, at the boathouse. $50pp ($40pp for performance athletes)

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