
Head of the Yarra Cancelled

Published Thu 20 Oct 2022

Sadly the Head of the Yarra 2022 is cancelled due to boat staging issues. Please see advice from the organising committee. There is a possibility of an April race.

Dear Competitors,
The HOTY Committee of the Hawthorn Rowing Club has decided to cancel the 2022 Head of the Yarra scheduled for 26th November 2022. All entries will lapse.
The recent heavy rains, with more to come, have delayed completion of the bank concreting needed for attachment of an unproven temporary landing. This meant that we could not be confident in good time to run the traditional 8km upstream race.
We are planning to run a late season HOTY in April 2023, depending on the completion of the new ramp, on agreement with Rowing Victoria, and on gaining permits. We intend to run a full scale regatta (265 boats), with the usual post finish entertainment.
The HOTYOC discussed many options, including a 4 km downstream race as we presented in 2021 for Victorian crews, but finally, we decided not to compromise.
We will advise on the HOTY website, and the RV webpage about arrangements for early 2023 as soon as we can.
The recent rains have meant that the Head of the Goulborn, rowed from Nagambie, Victoria, was cancelled for 22nd October 2022. The proposed date (pending assessment of the flooded region) for running is now the 26th November 2022, the cancelled HOTY date.
The course is 7km, starts at the Nagambie Rowing Club and ends at the famous Tahbilk winery. The HOTYOC firmly endorses this regatta, and hopes that HOTY entrants could consider entering this regatta, as it lies on the route from Melbourne to the East Coast.
We are grateful for the continuing support of our rowers, sponsors, volunteers and supporters and we will work towards delivering the HOTY twice in 2023.
We apologise for the cancellation of the HOTY this year.
Peter Wilson


