
Greetings from Simon Newcomb in Brisbane

Published Mon 21 Dec 2020

Past Captain and great enthusiast of the sport, Simon Newcomb has been in the wars. He has undergone numerous operations to rid himself of cancer and there does not appear to be an end to them.

His spirits remain high and his enthusiasm unrelenting. He sends his best wishes to the Club.

He did marvelous work as Mercantile Captain in the 1960s after arriving from MGS. When he moved to Queensland he undertook great work for the sport starting two rowing clubs and introducing thousands of people to the sport. He tells memorable stories of his life. I like the whistle story. When he established the Centenary Rowing Club in Brisbane, he was determined to get some money from government for the proposed clubhouse. He invited dignatories to the site to show the great work being undertaken. On the half hour, be blew a whistle. The curious dignatories asked why? He said that this was the changeover time for the boys and girls using the bush area to go to toilet. The dignatories approved his grant.

He was also a distinguished rower racking up Kings Cup victories and also Australian representation.

Simon in the drivers seat and David Boykett setting off for the Interstate Championships in South Australia in 1961
