
Great first day at the Easter Regattas

Published Sat 16 Apr 2022

For those older members who thought that the country regattas are only in their memories, think again. With the success of the Rutherglen Regattas in January and the Easter regattas, country regattas are still with us.

Our club rowers have headed off to Wentworth and Mildura again for another year and again very successfully.

The Saturday results included wins in the men's A quad scull, men's A pair, men's A four, women's A quad, women's under 17 quad, men's A double. women's under 15 double, and mixed quad scull. A second place in the women's A pair was achieved. Great work Mercs.

Some images of the fun at the regatta:

Men's A Quad Scull and Four winners from the left - Ally Legge, Andrew McNeil, Hamish Nicol, Sam Wilson and Will Legge

Men's A pair winners Andrew McNeil and Will Legge

Women's A Quad winners from the left Ally Legge, Meghan Hester, Louise Carr, Janisi Kelderman and Cate McNeil

Holding the Rod McLeod Memorial State of Origin Mixed Eight winners

Mixed Quad Scull winners - from the left Ally Legge, Hamish Nicol, Sam Wilson, Cate McNeil and Meg Hester

Relaxing on the banks of a very full Darling River

The Captain relaxing

Hamish and Louise chilling out

Sam showing off his silverware and the shield
