
Fundraising for the new women's eight

Published Sat 03 Jun 2023

As part of the annual planning is to update the Club's women's eight and provide our Club women rowers more access to one of the two existing eights This is a worthy cause. The women have chosen an Empacher as their preferred boat which will cost $100,000 landed at the Club.

The Club's Foundation will match donations for the eight dollar for dollar to assist this project. Donations can be made through the Australian Sports Foundation and so will be tax deductable after they deduct 5% ASF administration fee and any credit card charges. We respectfully ask Members to add to their donation to cover these amounts. The link to the donation page is as follows: Mercantile Rowing Club - Australian Sports Foundation ( You will also note that the Club's Foundation is also using this facility for its annual donations also our masters to undertake repairs to their eight.
