
From the archives - 1985 Head of the Yarra, 1992 Worlds

Published Mon 12 Jul 2021

From the archives - 1985 Head of the Yarra and 1992 World Championships

Published 12 July 2021

Ken Marshall has been going through his photos and has shared some of them with us.

A masters A crew in the days when we could win the race without training!
Cox: Ken Marshall, Str: Peter Philp, 7:" Steve Mollard, 6: Phil Ainsworth, 5: Terry Philips, 4: Mike Kerin, 3: Andrew Guerin, 2: Daryl Teschendorf, Bow: David Bowen

Lyall McCarthy and Derek Mollison churn through a few more unwanted grams

Australian Women's Lightweight Four enjoy a gold medal moment with Brian Richardson

And in the crowd were Noel Donaldson, Sean Colgan, John Boultbee and Brian Richardson, to name just some

Fresh from his success at Barcelona, Noel was in the neighbourhood to keep everyone hydrated
