
February 2023 Member Profiles

Published Sat 04 Feb 2023

Your correspondent has been going well back in time again to bring to light past members. This month we have added Syd Edwards, an important coach in our early history. Also highlighted, although not club members, are his father and six brothers.

Syd Edwards, the oldest of the seven sons of the great boatbuilder James Edwards. Syd helped Mercs lift from a fledgling new club in the mid 1890s to a senior club by coaching our senior crews. After coaching several senior successes in the early 1890s, Syd coached Mercs to it's first senior championship in 1895. His work was assisted by Alex Sloan who coached the maiden and junior crews.

1895 Champion Four of Victoria with Syd in the coxswains seat
NB: the picture is taken in Brickmakers Swamp the area behind the current boatsheds

If interest is found in these people, also completed are profiles of the other brothers. Prominant amongst them was champion professional sculler and the leader of the Edwards brothers, Robert Edwards. Of varying rowing success were the other brothers, Charles Edwards, Herbert Edwards, Fred Edwards, Arthur Edwards, and Frank Edwards. A 1930s newspaper article is republished in the profile of the Edwards Family.

These profiles are enhanced by the use of images from the Lindblade collection from Alby Lindblade, and now owned by the Club.

The Edwards brothers
Left to right - Standing: Charles H Edwards, Herbert C Edwards, Frederick J Edwards and Arthur Edwards
Seated: Sydney A Edwards, Robert D Edwards, Frank Edwards

We welcome profile contributions on any current or past members. There are now well over 250 profiles of past and present members for reading.
