
Dredging and latest Notice to River Users

Published Sun 05 Jun 2022

Dredging and other works are being conducted on the river. Please read to fund out the details.

Rowing Victoria advise as follows:

Parks Victoria are planning to include the VRA landing (Boathouse Drive / Princes Bridge) in this year’s Yarra River dredging campaign. The area immediately upstream of the landing (the VRA bend) and the area immediately downstream of the landing (Princes Bridge southern arch) will also be dredged as previously planned. This means the dredging program will greatly improve the water depth and access in the entire precinct around the VRA Landing. There will however be some disruption to rowing during the works. 
Parks Vic are expecting the dredging in the above mentioned three areas to take around 2-2.5 months. Set up is planned to start on the 8 June with dredging in the area planned for between 13 June and 22 August. At no time will the VRA landing be completely closed. Sections of the VRA landing will however have restricted access during the dredging, similar to when dredging was undertaken in 2020. There will also be exclusion zones on the water as before. 
During winter sculling events, the dredge equipment will be present but stored out of the way as much as practicable. Impact on access to the VRA landing will also be kept at a minimum during event days. 
Please find attached an information sheet for you to circulate amongst for further details. 


Latest notice to river users attached. 
