
Current COVID restrictions - update

Published Sat 11 Sep 2021

Unfortunately, on the advice of the State's public health team, the metroplitan lockdown continues but with an exception.
You know the drill, but for the record, the following opportunities and restrictions apply:  

  • The Club is closed; no access allowed. This means there is no access to social rooms, change rooms, boats and/ or gyms.
  • Exercise is allowed for up to four hours and with one other person, limited to fifteen kilometres from home.
  • If an individual (or two) have easy access to their own scull, pair or double scull, and they comply with all remaining exercise restrictions, i.e. not traveling more than 15km from where they live and limiting exercise to no more than four hours in total, they may row for exercise.
  • With the Club being closed, the safety management plan is not activated, and insurance is not available.
  • No competitions are allowed.

However, an opportunity is available for those who are able to/ feel comfortable to store (and then use) their equipment outside their facility to access it from their facility for a once-off, limited time. The use of equipment would still need to be as per the guidelines:

  • Up to a coxed 4+/X could be used if all are fully vaccinated or excepted persons.
  • Up to a 2-/x could be used if partially vaccinated (one dose) and is not an excepted person.
  • Each crew would need a fully vaccinated Personal Trainer (coach) either in the crew or observing.
  • The requirements of QR code check-ins, social distancing, timetabling access, disinfecting, on-water separation would all need to be adopted.
  • Once equipment is retrieved, it is to remain outdoors until the restrictions are amended which ideally will be soon.

If you wish to utilise this opportunity, please reach out with your contact details to
