
COVID Safe training update

Published Sat 24 Oct 2020


Congratulations, we have entered the final step of easing of restrictions as of Sunday 22nd 11.59pm. 

The updates to our operations include;

  • Rowing clubs and training facilities remain open.  Outdoor sport limited to groups of 50.  We will still be coordinating times with St Catherine’s to ensure we don’t breach this.  
  • Toilets remain open.  Changerooms are now open including showers (max capacity of 10).  
  • Face masks are not mandatory while exercising outdoors.  By law you must carry one with you at all times and wear it outdoors if you cannot maintain 1.5m social distancing.  You must wear a mask when you are in the rowing club.
  • The gym remains open with a max capacity of 33.  Equipment must be cleaned between users.  The gym door and windows must remain open for ventilation.
  • Saturday brekky and Thursday Barrel nights are resumed with a max capacity of 70.  You must be seated at a table when eating/drinking and put your mask on if you are not.  

Please continue to;

  1. Sign in and out using the QR code system
  2. Hand sanitise upon entry and exit
  3. Practice social distancing and good hygiene 
  4. Clean equipment and disinfect oar handles and gym equipment 

Meg Hester

Go Mercs!
