
Congratulations Jess Morrison and Ria Thompson

Published Wed 28 Jul 2021

Dear Members,

Please enjoy the vicarious glow of Olympic glory with Club member Jess Morrison becoming an Olympic Champion in the Women's Four and Ria Thompson taking bronze in the quad scull. As Club members, we have all contributed to this success.

Women's Four presentation - Jess second from the right

Congratulations to Jess and Ria on such superb racing and preparation. They are champions.

Women's Quad presentation with Ria on the left

Congratulations also to the men's four and men's quad on their great performances which keep our heart rates off the scale.

Men's Four take Gold

Men's quad scull take bronze

It was a day of racing which brought memories of 1996 rushing back when we won the women's pair and men's four within an hour of each other and we took home a silver and two bronze medals as well. These moments do not come often and must be appreciated.

Congratulations to Amanda Bateman on winning the B Final of the women's double in a great race.

Amanda Bateman in the bow of the women's double

Our men's and women's eight qualified for the finals today and will race on Friday.

Thursday 29th July

Tomorrow we see the B finals of the men's and women's pairs. Both crews should perform with excellence and will be good racing.

9.30am Mens Pair B Final
9.40am Womens Pair B Final

The arm chair experts will again conduct their commentary on zoom from 9.15am. Here is the link.
Topic: Mercs Olympic Viewing

Friday 30th July

Then Friday is as follows;
10.33 and 10.45 Single Scull Finals
11.05 and 11.25 Eights A Finals

The arm chair experts will again conduct their commentary on zoom from 10.15am. Here is the link.
Topic: Mercs Olympic Viewing

