
Congratulation Bob Duncan OAM

Published Thu 26 Jan 2023

The Australia Day Honours list contains an award to Club Member Bob Duncan for services to rowing. Well done Bob.

After 60 years services to the sport, this belated recognition which was instigated by Club Members, is well deserved and so pleasing to see.

For the younger members, Bob is an 1956 Olympian who had great success in the pair in the early and mid 1950s. He also served in senior positions in his first club, Albert Park Rowing Club. He joined Mercantile in recent years and is a regular attended of President's luncheons. He is however best known as a leading Australian umpire and mentor to many umpires.

His member profile can be found through this link.

Bob  at a recent Australian Henley Regatta

His rowing work is listed below.

Rowing Victoria

• Boat Race Official 1957-2007.

• Official Starter, Associated Public Schools of Victoria Senior Rowing Regatta, 1961-2001.

• Won five successive Coxed Pair Championships, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956.

• Member, Victorian Umpires Panel, c1960s.

Rowing Australia

• Umpire, 1957-2007.

• Race Starter, Australian National Rowing Championships and Kings Cup, 1962-1997.

• Australian Representative, Men's Coxed Pair, 1956 Melbourne Olympics.

• Senior Member, Australian Umpires Panel, four years.

World Rowing Federation - Federation Internationale des Socits d'Aviron (FISA)

• FISA Umpire, 1968-1997.

• FISA Umpire, World Rowing Championships, 1991, 1995.

• Starter, World Rowing Championship finals, 1995.

• First Australian Starter, World Championship Regatta.

• Former Umpire, World Championships. 

Albert Park South Melbourne Rowing Club

• President, 1957-1962.

• Former Secretary.

• Former Delegate, to the Victorian Rowing Association.

• Rower and Coxswain, 1945-1956.

• Life Member.


• Managing Director, The Berry Currie Group, Victoria, 1948-1985.

• Consultant to various businesses including, Fibre Makers, Selangor Pewter and Camatic, 1986-2000.

• Former President, Toasmasters International, Melbourne Chapter, 1960s.


• Author, Small Boat Rowers of the Fifties, self-published, 2015.

Awards and Recognition include:

• The Bob Duncan award inaugurated by Rowing Victoria, in honour, 2010.

• Tom Rodda Award for outstanding service to the sport, 1986
