
Clubbies fire up at Carrum Regatta

Published Mon 12 Dec 2022

Clubbies fire up at Carrum Regatta

Published 11th December 2022

Another successful day for the Club and an outing for the new Club trailer.

Showing off their bling after a successful day

Our rowers were successful in the following events - 

Under 15 single - Cate McNeil

Under 15 Double Scull - Cate McNeil and A.Van Der Poll from Corio Bay

C Single - Cate McNeil

Mixed Double Scull - Cate McNeil and father Andrew McNeil

Mixed Quad Scull - M.Hester, L.van Wijngaarden, S.Wilson, M.Kelly, Cox: A.Legge

Mixed Eight - S.Bolmat, L.Bertram, P.Batten, J.Kelderman, S.Jobson, N.Kronenburg, M.Kelly, J.Nevins, Cox: A.Legge

Men's B Eight - J.Roberts, A.Bodon, S.Jobson, H.Nicol, N.Kronenburg, S.Wilson, Mike Kelly, Justin Nevins, Cox and coach: Jordan King

Also second places in the women's B double and four and third placing in the women's A quad.

A great regatta for this enthusiastic group of Clubbies.
