
Clubbies do well at the Barwon Regatta

Published Mon 31 Jan 2022

Our clubbies again shone at the Barwon regatta with plenty of success and much fun.

Of particular note was Cate McNeil's first win, and probably the Club's first ever under 15 win, in the under 15 single. Great work Cate.

Cate powering away on the Barwon

Smiles all around after boat loading

Men's Club eight off the start in their win over Corio Bay

In the men's and women's A eights, our crews had to race each other with a 35 second margin

The boys had to work very hard to catch the girls, which they did n the final stages of the race

Mixed Double winners Meghan Hester and Alex Kinsella with medal presenter Cate McNeil

Also in the winners circle was the men's A four. 

Go Mercs
