
Christmas Party

Published Mon 12 Dec 2022

Another successful day at the Club on Sunday 4th December with a celebration of the life of Arthur Atkins DFC and the boat naming of the Anthony Bergelin.

Arthur's family joined us at the Club for his celebration. Members were provided with some insights into his amazing life. For those who could not make the day, please refer to Arthur's profile which provides some glimpses. 

The Club also took the opportunity honour Anthony Bergelin. 

The Bergelin and Rees clans 

Berge commenced his rowing at Carey Grammar School, finishing in 1992 with a second placing in the Head of the River. It took a Scotch crew co-coached by James Tomkins and containing future Mercs members including Ginn, Douglas, Yunghanns and Evans to defeat his Carey crew with Berge holding it altogether in the five seat.

But it was not his rowing where Berge made his greatest impact. It was as a coach. He had a superb understanding of, and ability to motivate, young rowers. They appreciated his insights, skills, enthusiasm and hard work. However, no level of great skill has been able to assist his alma mater Carey to success, although no fault of his own!

By 1998, he had joined the Mercantile coaching team and started many years of successful coaching. This team led our rowers to set significantly higher levels of success at State and National Championships. Peter Somerville noted in the 1998-99 annual report that over forty members were coaching school crews and club members dominating some events, for example, club members coached the first, second and fourth placed schoolboy eight crews.

He was happy leaving the senior roles to others. His interest was introducing young people to the sport, ensuring that they enjoyed their sport and the camaraderie of the Club.
As an administrator, he has a clear vision and a practicality which has made him a great leader.

As an indicator of his fine work over many years, Berge has been awarded the club member of the year on numerous occasions. He is a Club legend.
Daughter Lucy has followed in his footsteps taking up the sport at school.
