
Cate McNeil to race at Head of the Charles

Published Mon 09 Oct 2023

You can't keep a good girl down. The McNeil family are currently enjoying a holiday in the States. However Cate McNeil has convinced her parents, and particularly father Andrew who will accompany her, to stay on after their holiday to race at the Head of the Charles, Head of the Schuylkill and some other regattas. Well done Cate.

We are also reliably informed that her parents has had to stop her training during much of the holiday despite Cate's strong desire to do so! The long term perspective is always more important than the short.

Cate will be racing in the under 17 category in Boston on 21st October. Although at the young end of that category, still being 15 years old, it is likely that she will still be competitive.

Good racing Cate and we will keep an eye out for your results.

Cate earlier in Australia after winning Winter sculling trophies
