
Botanic Gardens Dredging - Message from RV

Published Tue 25 Jan 2022

You would have read recent comms regarding the current dredging operations taking place either side of the Morrell St Bridge on the Botanical Gardens side of the river. If you have been on the river since, you would have noticed that the dredging exclusion zone is currently further into the river than initially outlined.
As a result, RV has outlined to Parks Victoria the significant safety issues, in that when dredging operations are underway all crews (up and down stream) are currently directed through the centre arch and towards the northern riverbank on this corner and between Morrell and Swan Street Bridges. We have requested that at a minimum, especially during peak times, the booms are moved as close to the south bank as possible.
The accessible width of the river, for a period of time will be decreased, so we also request that all crews pay particular attention to their positioning in that area and be mindful of their speed. Finally, please continue to be courteous to all river users.
Parks Vic will now be placing signage downstream of the bridge to warn all river users of the exclusion zone and we have been advised that all river operators have been briefed in regard to the dredging and changes to river use.
As we have seen with previous dredging operations, the works were completed prior to the times scheduled so ideally the same will be repeated.
If you have any queries/concerns, please reach out.
Ian Jickell
Chief Executive Officer
