
Ballarat Regatta Results

Published Thu 26 Jan 2023

Ballarat Regatta was the first major regatta of the season for our athletes and a good pipe opener for all. Our senior athletes who are not at the NTC's raced well as did our lightweights and youth crews.

Some more details follow:

Starting with the youth girls, Mercs won the the eight in a strong field and also 2nd, 4th and 6th in the four. 

The under 21 eight taking the podium
Chloe Robinson, Abigail Cox, Zara Bongiorno, Brigit Somerville, Anna Morrison, Jess Hawker, Remy McKay, Bronte Cullen, Cox: Summer Balla-Kellett

The boys were not to be outdone with a strong win in the four and a third place in the eight.

Our successful under 21 four
JakePolkinghorne, George Burney, Austin Reinehr, Oli Scalzo, Cox: Jessica Rawolle

Jordan Roberts and Ben Whitmee won the lightweight pair then tried their hand at sculling finishing 2nd and fourth in the lightweight scull. A composite lightweight four with Harry Cathcart won the four.

Jack Robertson back from the UK and before that the States, jumped in a four with some Uni and UTS rowers to take out the four and a second place in the pair. The pair was won by a composite crew containing under 21 rower Austin Reinehr

Georgie Gleeson and Paige Barr were back in town and won the open pair in front of Mimi Tuddenham and Mitchell from Uni. These rowers combined to make the winning four.

Joel Cain won the sucll ahead of Dom Frederico in second place. Joel also won the double.

Sophie Reinehr took second place in the open single followed by Lou Bongrain. They combined in the double but finished second.

The lightweight girls Deme Kyriacopoulos and Olivia Evans combined with some Banks lighties to take out the open quad.

Then the Clubiies had another successful day.

Ben Edmondson and Lachie Wilmot took out the Club Pair, J Morrish the men's club single, J Kelderman the women's club single, Jenisi Kelderman and Captain Meghan Hester the women's club double, Cate McNeil, Sophie Bolmat, Jenisi Kelderman, Meghan Hester the club quad and Angus Mclaughlin, Lachie Wilmot, Ben Edmondson, Oscar Tyrrell the men's club four.

Jenisi Kelderman after her win in the club scull
