
Ballarat in review

Published Fri 22 Jan 2021

In strong cross head conditions, the Ballarat Regatta was conducted last Saturday. Not all our crews competed but enough of them to be of great interest. Great work by our rowers and our coaches with soem great results, which included:

Women's Under 21 Pair

1st Olivia Sargeant, Sophie Reinehr

2nd Louisa Bongrain, Millie Whitehead

3rd Anneka Davys, Odette Lynch

Women's Open Scull

1st Emmie Frederico

2nd Ruby Gioulekis

Women's under 21 Scull

1st Jemima Dwyer

Women's Lightweight Scull

1st Demetria Kyracopoulos

Men's Under 19 Scull

1st Sam Wilson

Women's Open Double Scull

1st Olivia Evans, Demetria Kyriacopoulos

Women's Under 21 Four

1st Hannah Magasanik, Anna Morrison, Teagan Blythe, Louise Carr, Cox: Jemima Howell

Images from the day.

Jackson Morrish in the under 21 scull

Demetria Kyracopoulos in the final of the open scull

Ruby Gioulekas in her final

Aleisha Ward in her final

Emmie Frederico's first stroke of the final which she won

Anna Kirkwood keeping most of the boat in the water in the rough conditions

Phoebe Wolf on top of the conditions in her final

Sam Wilson surfing to victory in the under scull

Olivia Evans, Demetria Kyriacopoulos mid way through their winning race 

The under 21 four races to victory - Hannah Magasanik, Anna Morrison, Teagan Blythe, Louise Carr, Cox: Jemima Howell

Mercs boating area at Ballarat with the girls limbering up for the eights

The girls take an early lead in the wormen's open eight - Olivia Sargeant, Odette Lynch, Anna Kirkwood, Millie Whitehead, Ruby Gioulekas, Phoebe Wolf, Emmie Frederico, Sophie Reinehr, Cox: Hayley Verbunt

Our other eight of Eliza Planincic, Hannah Magasanik, Teagan Blythe, Anna Morrison, Louise Carr, Anneka Davys, Aleisha Ward, Louisa Bongrain, Cox: Eyrin McCarthy
