
A good weekend at Rutherglen

Published Mon 17 Jan 2022

A small group of Mercs rowers attended the Rutherglen Regatta bringing home some medals for the cabinet.

The regatta is run by the Murray Rowing Association headed by our own Paul Somerville, who is also the President of the Rutherglen Lake Rowing Club.

Paul Somerville doubling up his Presidential roles with race commentator

The regatta was a great success with a good entry and typically hot conditions. A severe thunderstorm provided an excellent light show on the Friday night and a wet and flooded track down to the course. No need for the dust dampening water truck until Sunday.

Regatta scene

It was an inauspicious start to the weekend when the trailer broke down in the tunnel with a wheel seizing. What was to be a 3 hour journey turned out to be a 10 hour journey for Anthony Bergelin and his passengers.

A surprisingly relaxed Berge with borrowed trailer arrives at Rutherglen

However once there, our Clubbies and masters got to work. Included in the Clubbies group were two rowers enjoying their first regatta, Lucy Bergelin (daughter of Anthony), and Cate McNeil (daughter of Andrew). 

The first stroke of their first race for Lucy and Cate

At home under the red gums

In the winners circle were:

Vice-Captain Will Legge and Alex Clarke who won the A pair on both days.

Captain Meghan Hester who won the A scull on Saturday

Patrick Somerville who combined with his cousin Caitlin to take out the mixed double scull on Saturday

The men's A four of Tom Davidson, Alex Kinsella, Alex Clarke, Will Legge and coxed by Roy Zhang learned about being late at the start on Saturday but won on Sunday in the A four.

Tom Davidson, Alex Kinsella, Meghan Hester, Laura Bertram and coxed by Ally Legge won the mixed quad scull both days, here crossing the line

The masters four of Euan McMinn, Hugh McVicker, Andrew Guerin and Greg Hansen won both days.

They combined with Melbourne Rowing Club rowers to also win the masters eight on Sunday.

The mixed eight of Tom Davidson, Alex Kinsella, Alex Clarke, Sam Robertson, Meghan Hester, Jenisi Kelderman, Emma Gebert, Bridget Perry and coxed Ally Legge won on both days

The clubby men won the A eight on Saturday and then the B eight on Sunday with the following combination: Tom Davidson, Will legge, Alex Clarke, Sam Robertson, Alex Kinsella, Andrew McNeil, Euan McMinn and Patrick Somerville, coxed by Roy Zhang.

And the Women's A four was won by Meghan Hester, Jenisis Kelderman, Emma Gebert, Bridget Perry and coxed by Alexandra Legge.
