
2023 Committee

Published Sun 26 Nov 2023

The annual general meeting saw a changing of the guard with several major changes, including Meghan Hester stepping down in favour of Alex Clarke as Captain, and Jenny Fraumano standing down for a multi-generational member, Louise Carr.

Thank you Meghan and Jenny for many years of great work, and long may it continue in other areas of the Club.

It is strong Committee with a good mixture of youth and experience. 

Your new Committee is:

President - Georgine Peele

Vice-President - Sam Patten

Captain - Alex Clarke

Vice-Captains - Lou Bongrain and Jordan Roberts

Hon Secretary - Graeme Barns

Hon Treasurer - Duncan MacKinnon

Performance Director - Tom Courtney

Social Manager - Louise Carr

Equipment Manager - Simon Morrison

Committee - Geoff Barden, Paige Barr, Jordan King, John Saunders, Ben Whitmee
