The Medical Consent Form MUST be provided (see file for download). Please fill out, scan/photograph, and email back to by Monday, April 14th
I hereby consent to my son/ daughter attending the Mercantile Rowing Club Winter Training Program to be held from 28th April 2025 to 13th July 2025 at Mercantile Rowing Club, 5 Boathouse Drive, Melbourne.
I understand that at all times she/he must abide by the Club rules and code of conduct. The coach in charge is Alexander Clarke, Coach, Mercantile Rowing Club. Email:
Please list above any medical requirements your son/daughter may have.
CONSENT TO FILM/ VIDEO I consent to my child being photographed or videoed during the Development program to develop skills during the program. Use of the video/ pictures will be restricted to use by Mercantile Rowing Club unless otherwise authorized by you.
I do give my consent for the staff accompanying my son/daughter to supply paracetamol to him/her if it is deemed necessary.
In the event of an accident, illness, or injury involving my son/daughter and where it is impractical for the Coach to communicate with me, I authorize him to:
- Consent to my son/daughter receiving such medical or surgical attention as may be deemed necessary by a medical practitioner, including (but not limited to) operations, blood transfusions, hospital accommodation, and ambulance travel.
- Administer such first aid as he deems necessary.
I undertake to pay all medical, ambulance, and hospital expenses for such medical or surgical attention as required.